About us

Support Association Mammut E G A

The initiators of the Danish Mega Event are the Copen Team for Mega-Event 2023, which consists of:
Olefant (leader), Isabella-Molly, Minck

Subsequently, the Support Association Mammut E G A has been formed to support the practical work of running the event and provide a sound financial basis.

The board and working group of the Support Association are:

Kristian Minck (Minck) – Chairman
Torben Nymand (NymandT) – Treasurer
Anne Schilling (A. Schilling)
Torben Pedersen (Lyngerup)
Hjalte Brasen (Hjalte)
Lisbeth Gadekær (Gadekær)
Michael Petersen (brassavola)

CVR: 43913840

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Mega Event DK