January 9, 2025
Signal VIP area at Block Party
When the geocachers celebrate the big 25th anniversary at Block Party Beautiful Denmark: Holbæk, there will of course be a special VIP area for all the Signal teddy bears and mascots who may be at the big event. All Signal bears – with and without party clothes – are welcome in the VIP area.
In this area, there will be an Easter egg hunt for the mascots, but there’s also room for the Signal bears – big and small – who prefer to stay quiet and well away from the crowds. The VIP area is under constant surveillance throughout the Block Party, so you can safely share your favorite mascot with the rest of the event this way.
If your Signal bear has special equipment (bike, bed, camper, etc.), please let us know in advance so we can make sure we have the necessary space available.

December 24, 2024
Welcome to newsletter number 5
The team behind this Block Party would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the great reception of the website https://mega-event.dk and our event shop https://mega-event.dk/shop
We would also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
2025 will be a fantastic geocaching year, with many great experiences around the world.
We have been told that Signal the Frog will visit us on the event day.
We are still working to give you a good experience in Vipperød on April 12 next year.
In this connection, it will help us a lot if you, preferably in good time, go to the Shop and order your tickets, so that we get an overview of the number who will participate in the event.
On the day, we want to be able to offer you something to eat and drink and there should be enough for everyone, but not too much food waste.
Regarding orders from the Shop, there will be pickup at the pre-event on Friday, April 11, as well as at the main event on Saturday, April 12.
We look forward to seeing you.
December 3, 2024
Welcome to newsletter number 4
It is with great pleasure that we can now announce the opening of both our Website and Event shop.
Website https://mega-event.dk
Event shop https://mega-event.dk/shop
The website will be continuously updated with information about both the main event and the various side events.
At our Event shop https://mega-event.dk/shop you will now be able to buy the entrance ticket to the main event and pre-order our beautiful Event coins.
We hope you welcome them, as the sale of these Event coins is a prerequisite for organizing a good event.
We look forward to meeting you.
November 22, 2024
Welcome to newsletter number 3
Now there are only 4.5 months left until Denmark’s first announced Block Party takes place in Vipperød-hallen just south of Holbæk.
We have 2 exciting news we would like to share with you.
1. Although more than 90 Block Party, MEGA and GIGA events have already been announced for 2025 all over the world, we are truly excited and honored that Signal the Frog himself has chosen to come and visit us. We know that our mascot is going to have a very busy year, but he has chosen to make time to visit us anyway.
2. We have received the test prints of our Event coins and they are really nice. We’re currently working on getting pictures of them ready for our web shop and can’t wait to show them off to you. You can really look forward to seeing them.
As you may have noticed, we have released a geo map of LAB caches of 40 LAB (200 steps) in Holbæk. The bonus cache is Bonus – Beautiful Denmark #01 – #40 – Adventure
We look forward to meeting you.
October 13, 2024
Welcome to newsletter number 2
Now there are only 6 months until Denmark’s first Block Party takes place in Vipperød-hallen just south of Holbæk.
We are still working on the program for the day, so we can have a really good 25th birthday.
25 years is also what is normally celebrated as a silver anniversary in Denmark, so the event will of course also bear the mark of this.
We are working on exciting pre- and post-events, so there will be different events from Thursday April 10 to Sunday April 13, 2025.
There will be a full matrix with different types of caches.
Many Adventure Lab – some pre-released and some released at the different events.
We are in the process of making some really exciting and different coins, but can only get numbers/tracking codes at the end of November
This means that our website for ordering coins, T-shirts, admission tickets and the like will not be released until the end of November.
We look forward to seeing you.
June 27, 2024
Welcome to newsletter number 1
First and foremost, the steering committee would like to thank you for the overwhelming interest in Denmark’s first Block Party. We are really happy with all the “Will Attend” logs we have received.
We are working on putting together a good event with a number of activities.
We expect to open pre-sales of tickets, coins and other merchandise in October 2024.
When the website is complete, the link will appear at the top of the cache description. The website will contain practical information about the event, as well as the preliminary program for the day.
We look forward to meeting you all on the day. April 12, 2025.