Here you can read news and updates about the event.
August 24
In connection with the event, Tree of Life (TOL) will be released as a geoart. It will consist of 90 caches divided into 29 mysteries (the divine and celestial – mainly about birds and other flying animals on the Commons), 37 letterboxes (mystery-type) (stability and coherence – mainly about animals, symbols and gods) and 24 (reverse) wherigos (the underground and hidden – mainly about mythical worlds, gods and creatures).
Almost all caches are located along paths and roads – and not too far into the thicket to give the animals some privacy, but bring binoculars so you can study birds, deer, cows, sheep, geese, etc. You may want to bring a bike as the caches are spread over a large area – and don’t expect to reach them all at once.
The caches will be released before the event, so it will be possible to solve the tasks beforehand.

May 24
Geoart with mysteries, letterbox and wherigo under development; there will be somewhere between 70 and 100 new caches.
Likewise, work on geoart show-and-tell is under construction.
5 lab caches with 10 steps each are under construction.
April 24
Coins designed – 3 different ones.
The event is live.