Terms and conditions of trade

Product information
We try as far as possible to describe the products adequately and show pictures of physical products so that you as a customer get a good impression of the product.

All prices are shown and sold excluding VAT, as we do not necessarily reach a VATable revenue size.
The prices of our products are subject to change, but the buyer will be invoiced the price in force at the time of the order.
As the purchase and order of coins is a special order where we need to order the number of coins that have been sold, we will withdraw the money for the order once it is completed.
The amount of donations will also be withdrawn immediately so that the money can be used for the organization of the event.

The payment information you enter when purchasing goods is sent directly to our payment system in SSL (encrypted). We use WooCommerce’s payment system, which means that only you can read the payment information you enter. This means that no one else sees or stores the information about you.

If you have purchased one or more coins, these will be handed out at the event site at Kastrup Fort in connection with the event.

Right of withdrawal
In the case of withdrawal, the Sale of Goods Act applies, which gives you the right to cancel the purchase within the first 14 days.

Private information
All information entered and collected will not be disclosed to third parties and will only be used to register your purchased items.

The website mega-event.dk is run by the association
CVR no: 43913840
c/o Treasurer Torben Nymand
Ved Lindelund 275
2605 Brøndby

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Mega Event DK