Articles of association for the support association Mammut E G A

§1 The name of the association: Mammut E G A

§2 Headquarters of the association : Greater Copenhagen and Denmark

§3 Purpose. The non-profit purpose of the association is to create a financial and practical basis for organizing large events with 500+ participants. The association is a Support Association for GPS treasure hunting in DK.

§4 Membership:

4.1 Anyone who supports the association’s purpose can become a member. You are a member when your membership is registered.

4.2 The amount of the membership fee is decided at the general meeting.

4.3 The board may exclude a member who opposes the association. The excluded member may request in writing that the exclusion be reviewed at the next general meeting.

§5 General Assembly.

5.1 The General Assembly is the highest authority of the association.

5.2 The General Assembly is held after the big Event of the year (fall) and can support the next big Event. The general meeting is convened via email to all members and/or posting on the association’s website/Facebook page with at least one month’s notice. The notice must include a preliminary agenda and the association’s audited accounts.

5.3 Proposals for the agenda must be sent to the Board of Directors no later than 14 days before and the members must be aware of the final agenda no later than 8 days before.

5.4 Voting rights in the association: All members over the age of 15 have voting rights

5.5 Anyone over the age of 15 can be elected to the board

5.6 All decisions are made by simple majority – however, amendments to the Articles of Association must be made by a 2/3 majority of the members present. All votes are decided by a show of hands. However, a written vote must be taken if the chairman of the meeting so decides or if 3 members of the general meeting so request, as well as for all elections.

5.7 Agenda for the general meeting.

1. Election of chairman and vote counters

2 Report of the Board of Directors

3. Presentation of accounts for approval

4. Determination of membership fees.

5. Proposals received

6. Presentation of action plan

7. Election of the Board of Directors. 3 members must be at least 18 years old.

8. Election of auditor.

9. Any other business

§6 Extraordinary general meeting

6.1 When requested by the Board of Directors or at least 20% of the members.

6.2 The extraordinary general meeting must be convened no later than 14 days after receipt of the request. The final agenda will be sent together with the notice. Convening as for the annual general meeting.

§7 The Board of Directors

7.1 The Board of Directors is responsible for the day-to-day management of the association between general meetings.

7.2 The board consists of 5 members and 2 deputies, who after the general meeting distribute the positions among themselves with a minimum of chairman and treasurer, they must be at least 18 years old.

7.3 The Board of Directors is elected for 1 year at a time and can be re-elected.

7.4 The Board of Directors is self-substituting until the next general meeting, and new members of the Board of Directors must be elected at an extraordinary general meeting.

7.5 The Board of Directors constitutes a quorum when at least half of its members are present.

7.6 The Board of Directors may draw up a contractual document for its internal cooperation and may set up working groups as needed.

§8 Accounting/economics

8.1 The financial year is the calendar year (accounting period 1/1 – 31/12)

8.2 The accounts are kept by the treasurer and must contain an overview of income and expenses as well as the status.

8.3 The Board of Directors must have an ongoing financial overview. The accounts are audited by the auditor appointed by the general meeting.

§9 Right of disposal

9.1 The chairman and the treasurer, in consultation, are authorized to enter into agreements on behalf of the association

9.2 The members and board of directors of the association have no personal liability for the obligations of the association.

§10 Amendments to the Articles of Association

Amendments to the Articles of Association can be adopted at an ordinary or extraordinary general meeting when the proposal is made in due time and at least 2/3 of the present voting members vote in favor of the proposal.

§11 Dissolution of the association

11.1 The association may be dissolved at an extraordinary general meeting where at least half of the association’s members are present. In order for the proposal to be adopted, at least ¾ of the votes cast are required. If the required majority of ¾, but less than half of the members present, is achieved for dissolution, another extraordinary general meeting shall be convened, where the decision to dissolve the association can be adopted by ¾ of the votes cast, regardless of the number of votes cast.

11.2 In the event of dissolution, the funds will be donated to state-approved charitable causes.

Adopted at the founding general meeting on March 4, 2023.

Signature of the chairman of the meeting

Kristian Minck

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